THE NEW ENCYCLOPÆDIA; OR, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. IN WHICH The different Sciences and Arts are digested into the Form of distinct Treatises or Systems ; Including the LATEST DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS; WITH THE NATURAL, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND COMMERCIAL HISTORY, AND BIOGRAPHY OF EMINENT MEN, A DESCRIPTION OF. ALL THE COUNTRIES, CITIES, SEAS, RIVERS, &c. OF THE KNOWN WORLD. Including also THE WHOLE OF DR. JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. COMPILED FROM EVERY SOURCE OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN LITERATURE; AND ILLUSTRATED WITH AND A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE ATLAS. IN TWENTY THREE VOLUMES. VOL. XXIII. LONDON: PRINTED FOr vernor, hOOD, AND SHARPE, 31, POULTRY; AND THOMAS OSTELL, AVE MARIA LANE. R. Morison, Printer, Perth.. 1807. ENCYCLOPEDIA PERTHENSIS. *UNTI UNT NTROUBLED. adj. 1. Not disturbed by care, forrow, or guilt.-Quiet untrou Bled foul, awake! Shak. 2. Not agitated; not confufed; free from paffion.--Our Saviour meek, and with untroubled mind. Milt. 3. Not interrupted in the natural course.-Untroubled nature doth herself fuffice. Spenfer. 4. Transparent; clear; not mudded.-Bodies clear and untroubled. Bac. *UNTRUE. adj. 1. Faife; contrary to reality. By what construction shall any man make thofe comparisons true, holding that diftinction untrue. Hooker.-That a veffel filled with ashes, will receive the like quantity of water, that it wonid have done if it had been empty, is utterly untrue. Bacon. 2. Falfe; not faithful. Suckling I cannot break fo fweet a bond, Unless I prove untrue. -The men inglorious knights, the ladies all untrue. Dryden. * UNTRULY. adv. Falfely; not according to truth. It was their hurt untruly to attribute fo great power unto falfe gods., Hooker.-On these mountains it is generally received that the ark refted, but untruly. Raleigh. * UNTRUSTINESS. n. f. Unfaithfulness.Gravity, covered much untruftiness of heart. Hayw. UNTRUTH. n f. 1. Falf-hood; contrariety to reality. 2. Moral faifehood; not veracity. He who is perfect, and abhors untruth, With heavenly influence infpires my youth. 3. Treachery; want of fidelity. I would, Sandys. So my untruth had not provok'd him to it, The king had cut off my head with my brother's. Shak. 4. Falfe affertion.-No untruth can poffibly avail. Hooker. So notorious an untruth. Atterbury. * UNTUNABLE. adj. Unharmonious; not mufical. My news are harsh, untumable and bad. VOL. XXIII. UNT Shak.-A harsh and untunable found. Bacon.-His harth untunable pipe. Tatler. *To UNTUNE. v. a. 1. To make incapable of harmony.-Take but degree away, intune that ftring. Shak.-And mufick fhall untune the sky. Dryden.-Untun'd the mufick, and difus'd the voice. Prior. 2. To diforder.-Th' untun'd and jarring fenfes. Shak. * UNTURNED. adj. Not turned.-New crimes invented, ieft unturn'd no ftone. Dryden.— No ftone hath been left unturned. Woodward. * UNTUTORED. adj. Uninftructed; untaught.—Some stern untutor’d churl. Shak.—Their fenfe untutor'd infancy may know. Prior. *To UNTWINE. v. a. 1. To open what is held together by convolution.- But fince the fifters did fo foon untwine So fair a thread, I'll strive to piece the line. Waller's 2. To open what is wrapped on itfelf.-It turns finely and foftly three or four turns, caused by the untavining of the beard by the moisture. Bac. 3. To separate that which clafps round any thing. -All the Syren fongs of Italy could never untwine from the maft of God's word. Afcham. *To UNTWIST. v. a. To feparate any things invoived in each other, or wrapped up on themfelves. Untavifting his deceitful clew. Spenfer.The intereft of prince and people cannot be un twifted. Taylor, Untw fling all the chains that tie Milton: -No, I'll untwift you. Dryden.-Tarred hempen ropes cut small and untwisted, are beneficial for lands. Mortimer. Untwist a wire, and from her gums Savift: * To UNTY. v. a. [See Untie.] To loofe. It is too hard a knot for me t' untie. Shak.-Unlac'd her fays, her night-gown w unty'd. Young. *To UNVAIL. v.a. To uncover; to ftrip of a veit A |